Time:3 hours Max.Marks:100
Answer any one question
1. What are the conditions of good health? What strategies should a teacher adopt to induce the quality of good personal hygiene among students?
2. What is the need and scope of physical education? How would you plan a lesson in physical education? [1x10-10]
Answer any 12 questions
3. How would you organize knockout, league and combination types of tournaments?
4. What are the aims and principles of first aid?
5. Explain balanced diet? What are the factors to be remembered while preparing a balanced diet?
6. What are the factors to be borne in mind while selecting students for extra- mural competitions through organizing intra-mural competitions?
7. What is leptospirosis? How can you present it?
8. List the common ailments found in children. How can the teacher help the students in this regard?
9. Give the names of two communicable diseases and explain the steps you would take to prevent them?
10. What is Hepatitis? How do you prevent it?
11. What is seeding? Explain its importance?
12. What is the significance of body exercise? How do they affect the various systems of the body?
13. Give the rules and regulations of long jump with lay out.
14. Write the effects of smoking and alcoholism on human body.
15. Explain the respiratory system of the human body.
16. What is the importance of yoga in schools?
17. Write the method of organizing and conducting a standard sport meet.
18. How is good health and physical education related to the total personality development of the students? [12x5-60]
Answer all questions
19. Differentiate the terms physical fitness and wellness.
20. What remedial exercise would you suggest for Kyphosis?
21. What are the different techniques for relaxation?
22. What first aid would suggest for burns?
23. What do you mean by cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
24. What are the steps involved in artificial respiration?
25. List down the components of fitness.
26. Give a few health hazards of bad habits.
27. What are the emotional aspects of health education?
28. How would you create awareness among children about AIDS?
29. Suggest the first-aid for drowning.
30. List down the types and sources for vitamins.
31. What are the aims and objectives of physical education?
32. Name the common diseases due to lack of vitamins A, B, E and K.
33. Differentiate between indoor and outdoor games. [15x2-30]
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